My water is 90 degrees!!

old salt

I installed a Velocity T3 external pump a couple days ago and now my temp is 90. I have a 90 gal tank with a wet dry and the T3 is used for the return. The intake hose has a 1 inch opening (the fitting are less of course), and it's a straight shot to the pump, no elbows, about 5 inch between pump and sump. The return is 3/4 inch (fitting must be less, but the plastic return at the top measures between 1/2 and 3/4 inch. Oh yeah, the water in the sump feels like a friggin bath tub... Any clues???


Active Member
what is your gph at the head? Is your pump working to hard for the size of the line?

old salt

It's about 700 gal per hour at 5 foot head... That's what I calculate from their chart... I don't know what it's really doing and don't know how to tell if it's working too hard... this pump is supposed to be able to handle 240 gal per hour at 24 ft head....


Active Member
If it is hot to the touch I would think its working to hard. Their are no kinks in the line or ball valves that are semi-closed?
My pump is about 350 gph thru 1/2 line any smaller would be ng. Your is between 1/2 and 3/4 right? Can you go bigger? What temp is your room? Its been hot here in CT. I just got back from vaca, my temp was 90, lost all my hermits :mad: It must have been over 90 during the day. :eek:

old salt

It's not that hot here... my other tank is around 80... this one was 82-84 before i changed from the Rio pump to this new T3...


Active Member
Being an external pump I'm not sure. Maybe someone with your style pump would know. Can you go bigger on the size line? I would call the manufacturer and ask them also. :confused: lol


I have an external Iwaki-30MD with 1" in and out lines w/ the return branching to two 3/4" lines. The sump and pump is underneath the tank in an enclosed cabinet as well. My temp went up an additional 5 degrees once the Iwaki was up and running for awhile. The metal housing (where the motor is) is "hot" to the touch (this is normal - so I'm told by the manufacturer) but the plastic valve assemby (where the water flows through) is not. I'm not familiar w/ the T3 but you want to make sure that the valve assembly is NOT running hot. If it is, you probably have a problem w/ the pump. I solved my problem by adding a 4" fan (Radio Shack for $22) to the back of the cabinet to draw the warm air out. Once I did that the temp went back down to it's original level.


New Member
I had somewhat of the same problem with the addition of my UV sterilizer. This heat wave here is not helping much either. Well someone suggested freezing a two liter bottle filled with water and and letting it sit in the sump.It works. I sounds as though you might fight a constant battle if your pump is running too hot. Also the fan thing in the sump or across the top of the water works well to. Good Luck.


New Member
The velocity pumps are known to raise the temp in a 55 more than 12 degrees. for this reason only i went with a iwaki wmd40rxlt.
these pumps have a running temp of 140 deg and are not very well insulated. the manufacture doesn't even recommend these pumps