my water problem


i have 220 gal and want tank to look crystal clean
nitrate between 10-20 hard to tell which
ph 8.2
ammonia 0
alkalinity in the range
instant ocean test kit with the little packets
i leave lights on 5-7 hours max..
i have algea problem...
water never looks clean always dusty looking...i tried taking pics but u cant see it....
i change water every 10 -14 days..30 gallons ro water....
my tank only looks like real clean the 1st day i do it
i feed froze krill and flakes


Well-Known Member
Do you run a skimmer?
Have you tried activated charcoal? It works as a water polisher, making it nice and clear.
I purchased a blue spotted kole tang, algae problem is now eliminated, and I have to place algae sheets to feed him, to my delight. My lawnmower blenny tried but the algae was more than he could handle alone.


40 gallonsump i have good water flow....but water just looks crappy..very dusty..and my glass get a film over it...
i have a powder brown tang and yellow tang...


Active Member
I agree with the carbon; but I like Boyd's Chemi-Pure much better. Are you running any kind of mechanical filter? Sponge, pad, etc.? You sound like you may have particles big enough to remove with that type of filtration. Carbon & Chemi-Pure are chemical filters that remove mostly liquid & gas pollutants. Chemi-Pure will also absorb a lot of other dissolved stuff. BTW, I'd feed a much more varied diet and use a vitamin supplement. There are many frozen foods that are far superior to flakes, with far less waste. If you want to use a dry food on occasion; try pellets instead of the flakes.