My what a trigger!


Active Member
man if I had the tank, the $700 it cost or knew anything about this trigger I'd be all over it.
African blue spotted trigger. who knows anything about it? is it a hybrid?


I can not find the golden heart, it could be.... If anyone has another name on the Golden Heart please let us know, it would be interesting to see.
BTW - It is a sweet looking trigger......


its also called a west african queen trigger. They have not been seen in the trade for about ten years. Just rare fish has them. There aggression is similar to a niger or pink tail trigger.There is a guy on reef central that just got one and says that it is a big baby. {EDIT LINK}


Active Member
That's the "rare" Trigger I've been talking about buying. I should be placing my order in the next week or so.
They do not, however, have the temperment of a Niger or Pink Tail tho...I know the guy in that -- thread (The Fish Finder). He said the it does have a temper and describes it as "not as bad as a Queen Trigger".


Ahhhh, so they are one in the same, right?
I know there is another sweet trigger, AW or anyone, do you remember that Picture, geeze maybe 1 1/2 - 2 years ago (in another forum) of that guy holding that trigger, I want to say the trigger is from Africa?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Mistergn10
There is a guy in Atlanta that has a few of them alot cheaper than that.
Care to share this information?
Originally Posted by V-Lioness

Ahhhh, so they are one in the same, right?
I know there is another sweet trigger, AW or anyone, do you remember that Picture, geeze maybe 1 1/2 - 2 years ago (in another forum) of that guy holding that trigger, I want to say the trigger is from Africa?
That's the same was of a native fisherman, from Africa.


Originally Posted by AW2x3
That's the "rare" Trigger I've been talking about buying. I should be placing my order in the next week or so.
They do not, however, have the temperment of a Niger or Pink Tail tho...I know the guy in that -- thread (The Fish Finder). He said the it does have a temper and describes it as "not as bad as a Queen Trigger".
I know a guy that had one in a 125 it was added last and would kill anything added to the tank. He had to remove a clown,a niger ,and snowflake.the snowflakes back looked like it went though a shredder.All triggers can have individual personalities but watch out for this one rare and beautiful.


Active Member
Wow, that is a beautiful looking fish.
AW, I will be interested in seeing pics if you do indeed pick one up.


Originally Posted by AW2x3
He said the it does have a temper and describes it as "not as bad as a Queen Trigger".
Isn't that kind of like saying, "It doesn't hurt as much as a bullet."


Active Member
Yeah...that's where I was planning on purchasing from. I emailed them, numerous times, over a week and a half ago, informing that I was planning on ordering one, if not two of this Trigger and got no reply. I called and left voicemails, with the same reply.
If that's the customer service, I want no part of them.


Active Member
One of my LFS had 2 of them when I was there last week. I think they were asking around $600 for them, but they are overpriced on everything they sell.
Gorgeous fish!!!

ledzep fan

Active Member
Originally Posted by AW2x3
That's the "rare" Trigger I've been talking about buying. I should be placing my order in the next week or so.
They do not, however, have the temperment of a Niger or Pink Tail tho...I know the guy in that -- thread (The Fish Finder). He said the it does have a temper and describes it as "not as bad as a Queen Trigger".

Comon AW2X3, in your 90 gallon? With a WhiteMouth Moray, Dragon Moray Eel and hawkfish. A little too much IMO.