My wife had a pretty good thought!!!



I know that Hollywood is trying to make our president look like an idiot. and trying to make this war and everyone involved horrible.
The movie "you dont mess with the zohan" is coming out and although it looks like an enormous load of crap, my wife had a pretty good opinoin of the movie.
She said " it makes me so mad, hollywood is trying to tell all of us that terrorists did nothing wrong, and that the war is a waste of time". She said this because the commercial for the movie came on.
I thought about it, the target audience for that movie is 12-25 year olds.
This is the age group that is going to be most affecetd by this war, and the majority of the ones that are fighting. (18-25). The movie is partially taken place in a middle eastern country, with jokes relating to terrorists and the war in Iraq. It seems to me that the intention of the movie was to make the war seem like a fluffy, ridiculous joke, rather than telling this age group that their peers are dying and fighting over there.
I understand that this movie is not a direct attack on the war, but simply a small buffer trying to wear down this generation slowly.


nacl freak

I agree. Unfortunately, the general public is spoon fed a slow steady diet of Hollywood agendas. Big media constantly bombard us with slanted or some times outright fantasy news. Consumers beware!
Oh give me a break. You think Hollywood is trying to say that "Terrorists aren't bad"? And to back this up, you use an Adam Sandler comedy? I mean look, I'm all for a debate when people use actual logic, but I would say this is a FAR stretch.
Large scale theatrical releases are meant to do one thing: Make money. If you think they have an ounce of political intent behind them you are sadly mistaken.
And if you remember, there have been several realistic war films released over the past 24 months (Jarhead, Live from Baghdad, Charlie Wilson's War) that have quite honestly, bombed at the box office. People get enough of it in real life, why would they want to see it on screen too?
Plus the whole "making fun of" thing?
If that's the case, then we better get on Chris Rock for being a closet racist, George Carlin for hating our Christian God, Jim Carey for hating those who are mentally challenged, Will Ferrel for loathing rednecks. etc etc...
You get the idea. A comedy is used to take people's minds OFF of the real world. It always has. Even the first Greek theatrical comedies were used as a distraction to the bloody wars of the time.
So before you go making a grossly generic statement like that, think about what you're saying. Because my guess is there are quite a few patriotic people in Hollywood who would take a lot of offense to that claim...
nacl freak,
I'm hoping you means both sides of the aisle, and not just the "left". Because when you talk about "Big Media", we all know who has the most influence:
News Corp.
Fox News
And we all know how they run their show...


Active Member
Originally Posted by TheClemsonKid
Large scale theatrical releases are meant to do one thing: Make money. If you think they have an ounce of political intent behind them you are sadly mistaken.
Never seen/heard of Lions for Lambs

nacl freak

Yep. Research Spartacus directed by Kirk Douglas. One of many films with hidden agendas. Slants do go in many directions.


Active Member
Originally Posted by TheClemsonKid
nacl freak,
I'm hoping you means both sides of the aisle, and not just the "left". Because when you talk about "Big Media", we all know who has the most influence:
News Corp.
Fox News
And we all know how they run their show...
You hear that from Santa or the tooth fairy?. FOX is the biggest cable news channel but their audience isn't nearly what the Obama Channel (NBC) ABC and CBS have. FOX is also the most balance news source out there. Watch it during their hard news coverage and count the number of Democrats they have on. It will be at least double the number of Republicans interviewed on the other channels.
And if you don't believe Hollywood has a political agenda go to the website opensecrets dot com and punch in any actor. producer or directors name and see where their campaign contributions are going. If you find more than a half dozen going to republicans I would be shocked.
Look, if you think FOX News is the most "Fair and balanced" news channel out there, then obviously there is no point in arguing with you as you've already got your mind made up.
In no way am I saying NBC, CBS, CNN or the others are any better (Because they aren't).
But obviously you've been pretty well brainwashed by you saying they are the most "balanced" (a tag directly from their "fair and balanced" slogan).
Not that you would, but there is a rather interesting little documentary out there called "Outfoxed". I think if after watching that, you would certainly have a different perspective as to how "balanced" FOX NEWS is...
About the Lions for Lambs, and Kirk Douglas, etc...
Let me rephrase that.
The MAJORITY of big budget films are there to make as much money as possible. Like anything in life, there will be an exception to every rule.
But again, claiming that there is somehow a secret hidden agenda behind the "Zohan" film about trying to desensitize 18-24 years old into thinking terrorists "aren't bad" is ridiculous.


Active Member
Originally Posted by TheClemsonKid
Look, if you think FOX News is the most "Fair and balanced" news channel out there, then obviously there is no point in arguing with you as you've already got your mind made up.
In no way am I saying NBC, CBS, CNN or the others are any better (Because they aren't).
But obviously you've been pretty well brainwashed by you saying they are the most "balanced" (a tag directly from their "fair and balanced" slogan).
Not that you would, but there is a rather interesting little documentary out there called "Outfoxed". I think if after watching that, you would certainly have a different perspective as to how "balanced" FOX NEWS is...
I don't need to watch a Propagandary to know what I see and hear. It is obvious that it is you that has been brainwhashed if you don't think FOX is by far the most balanced news coverage on the tube.
Like I said, watch their news coverage and add up the numbers of people from the left they have on to discuss the issues.


Originally Posted by TheClemsonKid
Oh give me a break. You think Hollywood is trying to say that "Terrorists aren't bad"? And to back this up, you use an Adam Sandler comedy? I mean look, I'm all for a debate when people use actual logic, but I would say this is a FAR stretch.
Large scale theatrical releases are meant to do one thing: Make money. If you think they have an ounce of political intent behind them you are sadly mistaken.
And if you remember, there have been several realistic war films released over the past 24 months (Jarhead, Live from Baghdad, Charlie Wilson's War) that have quite honestly, bombed at the box office. People get enough of it in real life, why would they want to see it on screen too?
Plus the whole "making fun of" thing?
If that's the case, then we better get on Chris Rock for being a closet racist, George Carlin for hating our Christian God, Jim Carey for hating those who are mentally challenged, Will Ferrel for loathing rednecks. etc etc...
You get the idea. A comedy is used to take people's minds OFF of the real world. It always has. Even the first Greek theatrical comedies were used as a distraction to the bloody wars of the time.
So before you go making a grossly generic statement like that, think about what you're saying. Because my guess is there are quite a few patriotic people in Hollywood who would take a lot of offense to that claim...

Yes i do think that they are using this stupid movie to do it. a very slow and steady grinding down of American young people is why out country is falling apart. Do you think past leaders just broke their youth in their beliefs in one day? no, they slowly did it over time, under the radar. What is a better way to try to cause someone to rething something than to get them to laugh about it.
Did i say that movies like pearl harbor, and band of brothers were trying to make us feel that way??? NO, i did not. Most of the media and people in hollywood do though. The topic here is not about chris rocks rasism, its about the movie. I do not see how that remark had anything to do with the topic..........