My wife is catching on -- QUICKLY!

I was at the LFS yesterday and ready to buy a large Finger Leather, when I glanced down the row of display tanks and spotted a beautiful Naso Tang. Being that my wife adores them, I felt it best to forgo the coral for now, in favor of the tang as a surprise for her.
I had just finished acclimating/releasing the tang when she pulled in the driveway, so I quickly put all of the containers away and pitched the plastic bags.
Because of our work schedules, I have barely seen her for the past couple of weeks, because I was first out of town, then she was pulling lots of OT in preparation for a trade show -- yadda, yadda, yadda...
Anyway, when she gets in the door, I'm kicked back on the on the couch watching the O'reilly factor (Bill O'reilly is a GOD), when she glances towards the tank and immediately notices the Naso just barely peering out from behind all of the rockwork. She then goes over to the tank and just sits on the floor staring up at it, talking about how beautiful it is, and also that if the Yellow Tang doesn't quit annoying it, the Naso will kick it's ass, and rightfully so. She then noticed the Hippo Tang was just staying clear of the battles, while grazing obviously.
She then has me get our "Marine Encyclopedia" to read her the details & specs of her new fish, as she continues to just lay there staring at the tank. To my surprise, she got up and opened up the doors to the stand, and remarked about how well the macro's were doing in the fuge, and how she wished we hadn't had the electrical catastrophe last week, which nuked the tank and a few of it's inhabitants.
--- Back to laying down and staring --
Finally, she decides to get up and quickly fix dinner, as she had a meeting to attend at church. She gets dinner ready, and YEP, she ploped down right in front of the tank while eating! :D
My biggest concern is; now that she has developed a passion for my favorite place in the house, I no longer have "the" front row view of my own reef. :(
Me thinks I need a 220g with stadium seating, and quick! :D


Always a good thing to have both of you guys into it. The day my hubby got interested was one of the happiest of my life. No more comments about the $$$, no more "Geez you spend alot of time with those fish". Good times!!:D


New Member
I'm so glad to read this thread. I'm only two months into this hobby and I've already been amazed at the amount of time I can spend just sitting in front of the aquarium. And I don't even have much in there!!! I just find it amazing that the first thing I do when I get home is go sit in front of my aquarium.
Of course my husband eventually comments on how long I've been there. He just doesn't get it. Maybe after some additional fish and corals he'll start to come around.


<<Buying fish on Impulse is usually not a good idea you should have researched the fish more.>>

, you should know about that all too well.
Crusty, my wife got excited about it after taking her to the LFS's and showing her all the possiblities. DEFINITELY glad she like the fish, because thats the type of tank I'm running now. What started out as two 20's now is a 29 and a 55, THAT quick! And thats not counting the 29 FW that is up and running for about a year!


Active Member
Buying fish on Impulse is usually not a good idea you should have researched the fish more.
Do everyone and your fish a favor---take your own advice, Spearfish.

Originally posted by Spearfish
Buying fish on Impulse is usually not a good idea you should have researched the fish more.

I'm quite familiar w/ the differing varieties and care requirements of Tangs, and there was absolutely nothing IMPULSE
about it, other than I happened to see that our LFS finally had one in stock, after missing out on the last couple that we saw! :rolleyes:

david s

I hear you crusty my wife loves my tank too it is awsome to have her like the tank she likes blennys and gobys we just got a candycane goby and pistol shrimp pair wich is kinda cool.