My Wishlist...Is this feasible?


New Member
I have a 15 Gal tall tank with 96w PC's, 1.5" aragonite sandbed, 10 lbs live rock, 20 lbs base rock, Millenium 3000 HOB filter, and two powerheads. It's been setup since 4-2-07, so it's still cycling. This is what I would like to eventually have in my tank:
Colt Coral
Clove Polyps
Frogspawn Coral
Green Star Polyps
Mushroom Corals
Pulsing Xenia
Open Brain Coral
2 False Percula Clown Fish
Yellow Watchmam Goby
2 Green Chromis
Feather Duster
Derasa Clam
Fire Shrimp
Emerald Crab
30 Assorted Hermit Crabs
10 Turbo Snails
10 Cerith Snails
10 Nassarius Snails
Serpent Starfish
Is this a feasible wish list? Any suggestions or comments on anything I should do different?


Active Member
thats a bit much for a 15 gallon tank, especially some of the corals u r thinking of keeping r aggressive. u need to gv the corals room to grow.


Active Member
Ok, I believe if you get rid of the chromis you'll be fine on that part. and I think thats a bit of an overload on the snails and hermits. Also, I'm not sure bout the deresa. I think it'll be fine, but im not positive. The lights may be kinda high, and deresa's like the sandbed so that could cause problems. But I'd go for it.


Too many snails. Just get nassarius. Too many fish. I would get two percs or three different fish I REALLY WANT. Stick to one kind of coral in that small of a tank. Get zoos, stars, mushies, and softies, or go the LPS route, adn you can still put stars, zoos, and a few mushies in. ROOM TO GROW is Key.Feather Dusters are never a bad decision. Hard tube CoCo worms are probably my favorite. A shrimp, and a serpent star are always good too. Get small ones though. If you are unable to get a sand sifting fish, get a couple sand sifting cucumbers. Sand sifting is key. Forget the clam, though beautiful, will probably end up dying. Those are just my thoughts, and anything is possible in reef tanks, as time has told. I still consider myself a newbie with just a couple years under my sw belt. Keep it simple, adn you will have far less frustration adn spend WAY less money trying to keep your specimens alive. Good luck.


Active Member
yup, id say no more than 3 fish, and the rule of thumb for sw is 1 snail per 2 gallons of tank so 7 snails and 7 hermits should do the trick. im no coral expert so i cant help you in that area. good luck


New Member
Originally Posted by rbrockm1
i would have to say no about the watchmen goby, but the clowns and chromis should be fine,
Just curious, buy why do you say no on the watchman goby?