My worst Nightmare

Alright so I finally set up my new 240 Gallon tank last week. The next day 2 of the bulkheads were leaking, these are bulkheads that are on the bottom of the tank, turns out that they cracked from all of the pressure. I had to drain the tank, fix those 2 bulkheads. So I filled it up again, and guess what, 2 days later another one cracked, today I have to empty all of the water out again and I am going to replace all of the bulkheads with much stronger ones. Lets see what happens...... Justin
It was a tank I got from a friend of mine. The actual bulkhead cracked, the tank is acrylic, it is not for the overflow, there were 8 holes along the bottom of the tank, we just sealed them off with bulkheads....
Well the plumbing guy told me that the reason they cracked was because I capped them from the top, he said I need to cap them from the bottom or something like that, his english was not the best, we will see :rolleyes: