My Yellow Banded Maroon is hosting!


A candy cane coral..............................................................???
It stays away from my anemone, it stays away from my torch coral, it stays away from my frogspawn, from my hammer...but it chooses to host a candy cane coral. WTF!?
At night, it goes over to the candy cane and lands on top of it and looks like it is trying to get comfy. It can't because the candy cane is half its size.
Why in the world would it host a candy cane coral!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Fish are crazy.


The candy cane is right next to the glass. I will have to sneak a pic because when I get close he thinks he is going to be fed and automatically heads to the top.


Active Member
They will host all kinds of different coral but you have to be careful. The maroons are notorious for "loving" corals to death. With your candy cane being so small she may kill it. My pair of gold striped maroons host a huge 6-7 inch bubble coral.



I moved the candy cane because as someone said, my clown might kill it. I just got a rba so hopefully my clown will go to that instead of petering to death that beautiful candy cane.


Active Member
Originally Posted by chaseter
I moved the candy cane because as someone said, my clown might kill it. I just got a rba so hopefully my clown will go to that instead of petering to death that beautiful candy cane.
It's a good possibility. Are your maroons tank raised or wild caught? Hopefully they take to your RBTA. What size is the anemone? They can love those to death too if they're too small. Some times they won't take to them for months and you'll give up then walk by the tank one day and they're happily hosting it too. I've found that clownfish are particularly random.


The rbta is about 2-3 across. It is a little guy. The lfs I bought it from was being hosted by a tomato clown bigger than my maroon and the owner said that the anem and clown have been together for a few months in the tank. So, that means that the anem is hardy and can survive a host as long as I do my job and keep things good for it.
Yeah, I am in no rush to get my clown to host. I think anemones are beautiful and amazing creatures on their own! It is just so odd to me that out of all the hosting possibilites, that crazy clown chooses a candy cane coral.:D
My maroon was tank raised. It was in a huge tank there with coral frags so no anemone. I don't want to pester my clown or chase him towards it but I will try hand feeding near the anem to see if my maroon goes near it.


thats ok at least your maroon clowns are hosting something alive my maroon clown is a moron he host the return pipe on my overflow
not my bta or frogspawn go figure. oh well he still looks good and i laugh evry time he tries to feed the dam pipe. good luck with yours


Active Member
Originally Posted by chaseter
The rbta is about 2-3 across. It is a little guy. The lfs I bought it from was being hosted by a tomato clown bigger than my maroon and the owner said that the anem and clown have been together for a few months in the tank. So, that means that the anem is hardy and can survive a host as long as I do my job and keep things good for it.
Yeah, I am in no rush to get my clown to host. I think anemones are beautiful and amazing creatures on their own! It is just so odd to me that out of all the hosting possibilites, that crazy clown chooses a candy cane coral.:D
My maroon was tank raised. It was in a huge tank there with coral frags so no anemone. I don't want to pester my clown or chase him towards it but I will try hand feeding near the anem to see if my maroon goes near it.
Definitely don't want to chase her. She'll find her way towards it or won't. It's a little harder for a tank raised to host than wild caught but it does happen. And with her not being as interested right now is a good thing, the nem will be able to adjust to your tank without any extra stress and can settle in. And it's a good thing that it's already used to the clownfish loving. lol They'll host some crazy things though.