My zoanthids are thinning out!! Any experience??


New Member
Hey everyone...So i LOVE zoos, as i'm sure much of you do too. Recently i've started to purchase these guys up on a great site i found. Anyhow, they were doing really well, growing and spreading. Recently though, they have been thinning out and look like they are stretching out with the membrane between then melting away! They still open up, which is odd, but they definitely aren't doing as well as they were. Nothing to my knowledge has same, dkh does fluctuate between 9 and 10, but nothing huge, and everything else good.. zero nitrate etc etc. Is there something that could be going on with my water that can cause this??? I use a rodi unit, but has anyone ever had issues with this before??? Any help would be great.

scopus tang

Active Member
Have you tested iodine levels? what is your current lighting? When did you last change your bulbs? Experiencing any algae outbreaks? Do you/did you iodine dip before placing in your tank?