Myrtle Beach aquarium


Active Member
Went to down there and i ahve some pics. Pretty weird the whole aquarium there was only one tank with real corals.



Active Member
sweet i love the shark, im just wonderin, how come public aquariums never have as colorful fish as hobbiests do?


Originally Posted by Littlebuck
Went to down there and i ahve some pics. Pretty weird the whole aquarium there was only one tank with real corals.

Is this the Ripley's aquarium? I went there in September, absolutely loved only makes you want more though.


Active Member
yes it is. We are also going to the new one in atlanta here soon. I cant wait to go to that one. also moving up to mass in july close to the boston aquarium.


Active Member
I have been to the Ripley's in MB more times than I can remember. just to let you know, if you ever think of going to "The Aquarium of South Carolina" in Charleston, don't sucks. they have a saltwater aquarium that is 3 stories tall and is something like 380,000 gallons.....and it is full a grunts and other drab fish. I don't remember any tangs, clowns, or anything at the Charleston aquarium. their poison dart frogs were the only things really worth looking at. the Ripley's in MB is far better, imo
I am going to try to go to the aquarium in Wilmington some time. have you been there?
the SW setup in MB that has several thousand fish is pretty fun to look at.
what makes me upset is that I"ve never been to an aquarium with any kind of cichlid setup. these are probably the most popular fish in the world and I have never seen one public setup.


Active Member
the one in wimington is only open on weekdays. 9-5 i heard its pretty good but never been gonig next week i think


Originally Posted by Pontius
I have been to the Ripley's in MB more times than I can remember. just to let you know, if you ever think of going to "The Aquarium of South Carolina" in Charleston, don't sucks. they have a saltwater aquarium that is 3 stories tall and is something like 380,000 gallons.....and it is full a grunts and other drab fish. I don't remember any tangs, clowns, or anything at the Charleston aquarium. their poison dart frogs were the only things really worth looking at. the Ripley's in MB is far better, imo
I am going to try to go to the aquarium in Wilmington some time. have you been there?
the SW setup in MB that has several thousand fish is pretty fun to look at.
what makes me upset is that I"ve never been to an aquarium with any kind of cichlid setup. these are probably the most popular fish in the world and I have never seen one public setup.

I think I might try the one in Wilmington. I took my mom to see the one in Myrtle Beach and she loved the sting rays. She ended up sitting there in that little room for the longest time while I went round and round that conveyer thing. LOL


Active Member
the one in wilmington is only open during the day from 9-5 just to let you know. The is also one in emerald isle that is getting redone now but i haev been up there and its gonig to be nice.


Originally Posted by Littlebuck
the one in wilmington is only open during the day from 9-5 just to let you know. The is also one in emerald isle that is getting redone now but i haev been up there and its gonig to be nice.
Ok thanks for the info.