I have been to the Ripley's in MB more times than I can remember. just to let you know, if you ever think of going to "The Aquarium of South Carolina" in Charleston, don't bother....it sucks. they have a saltwater aquarium that is 3 stories tall and is something like 380,000 gallons.....and it is full a grunts and other drab fish. I don't remember any tangs, clowns, or anything at the Charleston aquarium. their poison dart frogs were the only things really worth looking at. the Ripley's in MB is far better, imo
I am going to try to go to the aquarium in Wilmington some time. have you been there?
the SW setup in MB that has several thousand fish is pretty fun to look at.
what makes me upset is that I"ve never been to an aquarium with any kind of cichlid setup. these are probably the most popular fish in the world and I have never seen one public setup.