Mysterious death of my Majestic Angel


Active Member
I lost my majestic angel for some unknown reason. I've had him for 6 or 7 weeks, and he was fat, and healthy. He was eating extremly well up until a couple of days ago. I tested the water ammonia 0, nitrates 20 ppm, nitries 0, and ph 8.2. I'm mixing water now, and will do several water changes this week to be on the safe side. No other fish in the tank show any signs of disease. The only thing I noticed was a small white patch underneath his bottom lip on thursday, and the next day it was gone. Yesterday he seemed to have lost his mind, and was darting throughout the tank running into the LR, and glass head on. Then he turned upside down, and swam around that way for a few minutes. He seemed to have an extremely hard time breathing. Then he just went to the bottom, and dies. This all happened in about 1 hr. period. I'll attach a pic of the fish taken last sunday. He appeared to be in great health with no problems.


Active Member
The fish was what I would call a small adult. He was about 4" in length. I doubt it was cyanide as I picked the fish up at a wholesaler, and he tries to make sure all his specimens are hand caught. Of course you never really know, but most of the fish my LFS buys from him are usually in very good health.


Staff member
What else was in the tank with him? Fish, corals? Anemone? Anything that could have been a toxin?


Active Member
The only other tank mates are powder blue tang, yellow tang, maroon clown, porc puffer, velvet wrasse, fiji damsel, coral beauty, and snowflake eel. No corals or inverts. The tank is a 240 gallon thats been running since late November. As of today all fish appear to be doing well, and I've done a few small 5 gallon water changes. I've decided to change about 20% over a weeks time.