mysterious death....


I have 1 yellow tang,1 blue damsel,1 scooter gobie,1 mandarin gobie,and a gobie with a purple head and orange body.I have tried to add a six line,a maroon clown and a coral beauty all at different times but after getting in tank they hide behind lr for a day or so then i find them dead on bottom with evidence of something biteing at their fins.Who is the culpret?


Active Member
if you are sure it is nipping, my guess is that it would be the DEVIL(aka damsel), they are notorius for being aggressive, and the fact that your fish are hiding, before dying gives indication that they are being tomented by something,and they are very good candidates for picking, especially after they have established a territory, as i said that would be my GUESS and an educated one at that, is there any other signs that may indicate that they are being eaten, or just the fins? if it appearsss other damage is being done, i would look for a crab or something else instead