Mystery Anemones


New Member
I am a brand new tank owner and don't know the 'lingo' yet. I have numberous anemones sprouting up everywhere (they're light brown). I've only had the tank set up for a month. Are they good/bad/dangerous? How do you control them and keep them from taking over? Thanks!


Active Member
Sounds like majanos or aiptasia. Do a search on here and see if the pics match what you have. Joe's juice will work. You just squirt some right into their mouth, and they will die. They will be like the plague if you just let them go.


I have not had good luck w/joes juice, it just kind of burnt tentacles off and they'd come back, have heard of injecting them with it but never tried. If your tank is cycled and can handle one I'd just get a peppermint shrimp and it will eat em up, problem will be gone in no time.
I hate putting unnecessary chemicals the tank.


New Member
I had an infestation with hundreds at one point.
Got rid of all of them with distilled white vinegar in a syrringe with a needle.
I drew up the vinegar, and injected a small amount into the body of each anemone through the mouth, and they disintegrate on impact.
They do not grow back, except for those you did not treat well enough in the first place, and all you do is retreat them the next day.
I used this solution to do several a day until the whole bunch was gone.
You can also use Pickling lime (Ms. Wages) according to GARF.


Active Member
I have 4 peppermint shrimp and one aiptasia... I've always had it.. it hasn't spread and doesn't hurt anything so I let him live :)
I thought the peppermints would take care of it but guess they don't seem interested.


Active Member
You have to get the correct peppermint for the job. The Lysmata wurdimanni is the Caribbean variety. It is the one that eats Aiptasia. The Lysmata califonica will not.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by spanko
You have to get the correct peppermint for the job. The Lysmata wurdimanni is the Caribbean variety. It is the one that eats Aiptasia. The Lysmata califonica
will not.
1700th post! woot!