Mystery 'coral-thing' at lfs


My lfs has what he calls a Bryozoan, but my investigation leads me to believe he is wrong. The 'thing' is maroon like my mushrooms, but flat and thin. Its structure is ribbon-like without a definite shape---kind of like a bunch of ribbon on a package. It appears to have a mucus coating on the ribbon, but I could be wrong about this. Its about the size of a grapefruit. The ribbon-like structures are about 3/4 of an inch wide or a little wider. It is beautiful, but I wont go near it without knowing more. From info I have received, it does not appear to be a bryozoan. It's in a 15 gal tank with compact lighting and medium flow. He has a colt coral in the tank with it. Any help would be great.



Active Member
A bryzoan is actually not a coral. I guess you could call it a moss-animal. We talked about it in my marine biology course, so thats really all that much I know about it. I dont believe it relies on photosynthesis to survive like other corals, or what it eats. You could try having the LFS employee feeding it brine or something, maybe it will be a filter feeder, but again, this is all just possible answers because Ive never actually seen one.


I will try to get a pic tomorrow. It is beautiful but doesnt look like any of the pics I have seen of a bryozoan. Thanks for the help!


Our LFS here has a red sponge that looks like you described, although I cannot find any pics of it on google.


Thanks, the site was educational! Anybody have a guestimate of what a piece of this algae is worth? If the lfs doesnt know what it is, he might be charging to little (fat chance) or too much (more likely).