Mystery hermit & snails


New Member
I was a member of the forums a while ago, but for some reason the server isn't recognizing my email address anymore!
I purchased a pretty decent sized hermit from the LFS I used to work at last week. They had it labeled as a "common hermit crab". I have yet to see any like it, so I don't know if it's really "common" or not! My former boss whom I trust assured me that it is peaceful and gets along with other crabs, which it has so far. I hope and pray that he is right!
From face-on he is probably quarter-sized. His legs and claws are a maroon/plum color and smooth. The tips of the legs are yellowish white with a black ring in the center of the white area. His left claw is significantly larger than the right one. His eye stalks are the same light yellow color, with black beady eyes at the ends.
He is in an orange turbo snail shell, which is what they were selling in the tank along with him.
He seems pretty peaceful. Likes to climb, but seems to "sleep" more than my other hermits (scarlets and blues).
What is it? Is it rare or unusual, or just "COMMON"?! Either way I think he is a neat fellow

Plus, can he hurt any of my other creatures? I have, I think, 7 or 8 different kinds of snails (2 bumblebee, 1 astrea, 1 large turbo, 1 nassarius, many ceriths, many limpets, and a couple unknowns which I will discuss next!), a sally lightfoot crab, a brittle star, 2 peppermint shrimp, 2 scarlet hermits, 6 or 7 blue hermits, a green clown goby, 2 false perculas, a royal gramma, and a yellow tail damsel.
Secondly, I have quite a few small snails in the tank that look like turbos, but from what I have read, it sounds like it is almost impossible for them to breed. These are round shelled with a side-whorl. They are white with brown stripes like a starlite mint. Some of them have much more brown than others. They are very diverse! Most of them are around the same size, and have grown since I first saw them. They have been around for a few months and the largest are now the size of a small pea.
There are also what seem to be dozens of tiny cerith snails. Both of these mystery snails come out mostly at night. The long-shelled ones have also grown, the largest maybe 3mm long. They don't look like pyramidellid snails. From what I've seen/read these are white. My guys are beige or gray. The biggest have noticeable thin ridges on the whorls of their shells. They are never hanging around on or near the other larger snails, and seem to mind their own business.
Sorry for the long windedness

Thanks for any input!