Mystery Hermit - the great white mystery


Hey everyone. First post.
Anyway, here's the scoop.
I have an odd hermit in my new aquarium that I can't identify or find any info for on the net. It was purchased alone with several of the common red and blue hermits at a LFS.
It is all white (legs and claws) like bleached bone, and fuzzy/hairy(also white) with deep blue eye stalks and antenna. Also, the parts that are blue have tiny while speckles.
It also has a much more mellow personality compared to all the other hermits in the tank who run around like they are high in caffeine. It also likes to stay in the darker parts of the tank behind rocks 90% of the time.
It's pretty small and my camera does not focus well into the tank, so my pics are all really fuzzy and basically useless.
Anyone have any idea what this is?


Active Member
Welcome to SWF!!
I believe that is a White Leg Hermit Crab and those are not recommended for a reef.
You can Google it with that name.


Originally Posted by SpiderWoman
Welcome to SWF!!
I believe that is a White Leg Hermit Crab and those are not recommended for a reef.
You can Google it with that name.
Close, but not quite.
The images I found show the White Leg Hermit with white eye stalks (what are those called?) and antennae. Plus it had a little brown coloration and was not hairy.
Searching for a White Leg did lead me to a good French site that had dozens of different species with their scientific names, but mine was of course not listed.
Thanks for your help!


I would guess just some sort of color variation/mutation of a blue leg hermit. I have hermits of many colors. green with orange, blues, tans, greys, scarlets.. seems like there are more hermit crabs out there than we have names.


Here is the best photo I could get. Sorry, but it's a little fuzzy. Though its hard to tell, the legs are all white and hairy.


what ever it is its cool looking... i do know in general, hairy legs on crabs means not reef safe, just a heads up.