N.O. L.S.


Has anyone here ordered the 40lb LS package? I was thinking of getting it, but curious about the product. I ordered a cleaner package that rocked, but just being paranoid. Is there a better brand? Does it have all of the good critters in it, or would I have to add a det....(?) kit as well?
Finally I have a burrowing starfish, I think. It is tan and brown and burrows. I have read that it would be bad for a DSB but this site says:
This starfish is an excellent acquisition if you have a live sand bed. It will spend its day feeding in the substrate and moving the substrate around. It is hardy and will not harm the other inhabitants of the saltwater tank."
So you can see my confusion. Thanks in advace.
Why are my questions always so complicated?
:rolleyes: :rolleyes:

mr . salty

Active Member
I have over 100lbs of this sand in my 130gallon tank,and love it. I would highly reccomend it to anyone......It is the best in my opinion.Especially for an established tank.It can be put in to replace an exsisting substrate with no fear of a recycle...


Thanks, I guess I will go with that brand then.
What about my starfish though? And what do I need for the det....(?) kit?

nm reef

Active Member
Desieler.....I've also used natures ocean..60 lbs mixed with 30 lbs oolite....I like it just fine.....seems to help stabilize nitrate....and stays clean.....I've not added a detrivore kit to mine but I have considered it....do a search on them and gather all the info you can....use that to make a informed decision....thats basically the process I'm working thru now....as for the burrowing star fish.....the wife wants one...but I'm under the impression that the eat and generally disturb the critters and such in the sand bed.....may be wrong....some one else may correct me