Naked feather duster


My feather duster lost it's crown and has come out of his tube. Will it go back in or is it going to die? It still moves around and feels firm. Is there anything I should do? :(


All water levels are fine. I had just recieved this one from today. Acclimated as per their directions. Placed it on the bottom close to the edge of the LR. Only a yellow tang and 2 Domino damsels in 135gal with LR and a few crabs, snails and shrimp. Hate to lose it already.


Active Member
i would recomend that you blackout your tank for 8 hours or so.what i mean by blackout is turn off any lights and cover the tank so no light at all will get through,
the same thing happened to a friend of mine and that's what he did and the duster is now fine. try it and hopefully it will be ok.
if it goes back in, wait a few weeks and it will grow a new crown.


New Member
This has happened to me before, don't worry, this is the same thing as a snake shedding it's skin, in about a month or so, you should see a new, smaller crown come out.
You'll know when it's dead when it's fallen off where it's attached


I also had a problem with my feather dusters from Both just simply died off within a couple of days. I have two other Hawaiians that are huge and just beautiful that I got from my lfs. Maybe it was the stress from the shipment...who knows... :)


I had a similar problem. When I put my feather duster into my tank I put it first vertically between rocks. It looks that it hated that position because a couple of days later ... the tube was empty. I thought that it died but when I looked under my rocks I found it again alive. The worm crawled out of its tube, positioned under a rock and is now very happy!


The same exact thing happened to me , my feahter duster came out of its tube and after a few weeks buit a new one and replaced its crown , if the water is good yours should do the same. dont worry to mutch.


New Member
Oh, OK, sorry if I offended you though, but I thought you would've said along the same lines as some other people and me! :cool:


I put him back in his tube and all seems to be ok for now. I'll have to keep an eye on him though. Thanks. :)