Name the coral

old rookie

New Member
I have not had a tank in 10 years. I am buying the biocube 29gal. I remember a coral I had the size of a potatoe and the same color to. It had red and blue small type feather dusters that would pop out of it and go back in when a fish swam by. THe dusters were only 1/4 to 1/2 in size. I have searched many sites looking for this to put in my aquarium. Anybody please help me name it


Active Member
also thinking about corals potato colored/shaped. There are some encrusting monti's that are brown with christmas tree worms that might fit the bill also.


the rock you are talking about is actually porites with the worms living inside, porites needs very intense lighting and waterflow and is not recommended for beginners
it is commonly known as christmas tree rock