Name this coral and whats going on...


1. Anyone know the name of this coral? When I bought it, it was referred to as a cup coral..
2. Its my favorite coral and for about 3 months its been flourishing but now it seems as if its deteriorating. I had it on my sandbed under MH and PC. The sandbed has had some red algae growing on it daily and seems to be covering it up. I moved it up higher. Any suggestions for care and or feeding.

lady blaede

New Member
I'm unsure what coral that is...hard to tell from the pic. But a while back I had a similar issue where some of my corals weren't opening and I had red slime algae. Check your phosphates


It is a pagoda AKA cup coral. I also think that the red "algae" is your problem. Red slime is not an actual algae it is a bacteria and can cause an infection very quickly. You need to do better aquarium mait. Such as more water changes, less feeding, better protein skimmer, or your tank could be over loaded. Get some chemi-clean and that should solve your problem for now. You need to find the source or it will just come back though.


I hear you...
Today my cup coral has a film on it. The area of the coral that have now turned white all have this brown film. The film comes off easy but its not looking good.


from what i could tell in the pic, it looked like a black sun coral. not 100% sure. if it is, i've been told that they really only come out at night to feed, but you can train them to come out during the day. wait until the lights go out in your tank and use a flash light to see it they are opening up. good luck.