Name this zoo


Active Member
Anyone know the name to this one? or is it kinda a make it up as you go name. I'm lovin this color, I'm kinda obsessed with zoo's and want this one!


I have seen them called purple people eaters.. but I think its just made up names lol


Active Member
I had planned on getting this one, that was until my stupid mistake, so gotta wait a week so two...Is it me or are there other obsessed with zoo's, I know wax has some awesome ones....


Active Member
That picture isn't of the zoanthids people call Purple People Eater's.
That picture is of the variety of pink zoanthid most often seen these days. I haven't heard a particular nickname for them.


Active Member
Wax, are they more on pink side or blue. I see more blue but hints of pink, maybe the photo isn't that good? Is there a totally blue type?


Active Member
I'd call them lavender.
They will look different under different type of lights (like all zoanthids). I had some before Katrina and they looked pinkish with lavender highlights under my VHOs.
There are some that are basically
totally blue, yes. But again, they change depending on your lights. Paying a fortune for blue zoanthids is silly when they might end up purple or mauve in your tank. I have some that are pretty blue, and have greenish skirts, but I wouldn't call them "totally" blue.


Active Member
Nice,....I can see where this is going, I think I'm just going to have to get one of every color
along with a few more tanks


Active Member
you and me both!!! along with about 50 other people here and our obsession with zoos!

oh, and for the record, i see more purple and pink than blue

nm reef

Active Member
Personally I don't get all worked up about names and such....I've managed to collect several very nice colorations just by stopping in at my favorite LFS and checking out new arrivials. Some of the "named" types(PPE) are hype created for sell/trade purposes and many of them can be located at much more sane prices. Below are several examples of the individual colorations I've purchased locally and I'm always on the lookout for something new....


nm reef

Active Member
Many members here have collections of zooanthids that are stunning.....all of mine have been purchased locally and none have carried the "hype" name tag to insure their price goes up.........


nm reef

Active Member
A few more just to illistrate that the diversity available is extreme and can be located locally without all the marketing hype associated with some of the more popular color morphs....



Active Member
I agree with NMreef, the names don't get my excited but the colors do. I'm having a 48x48 glass frag tank built, got a 1000w MH on the way so that I can set up a frag tank in my garage. Already got the system designed and will start on the frame and plumbing pretty soon. I'm ordering lots of 5-10polyp rocks in unusual colors for the initial stock. Here are some of my additions for today. I figure with the ones I already have along with the additions for this week it will give me plenty to study, next is developing a total understanding of how they multiply and optimal conditions.


Active Member
Argh, files are too big and can't figure out how to make them smaller, off to office supply store for photo editing program I go....LOL


use windows paint
open pic in it
go to image menu at top
click stretch/skew
make horizontal and vertical 50% or whatever you need to make it small enough "500x500" pixels
click ok
it will shrink
then go to the file menu
click save as
_ _ _.jpg


Active Member
Thanks, you can't understand how much frustration you have saved me, I've got tons of pics that I had wanted to post of various projects, tanks and such to post but couldn't because of size....THANKS
Here are the newest additions for this week...
