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Blue, blue, I think I might call this one Patsey Cline, LOL..... NMreef those pinks are awesome, wana share or trade?


Active Member
Oh Yeah!!!!!!!! look at what I just got for $300, 1000w 14k metal halide!!!!!!!! my frag tank is one step closer to reality......I can't wait to get this system up and running....I may go ahead an order the 20k bulb.......those Patsey Clines are gona glow....LOL


Active Member
they all sux.....not one good store in Vegas....... ATM is the highend place (acrylic Tank Manufacturer) they make HUGE tanks and have lots on display, kinda neat place to visit if you want shock value. Last time I was there they were making a 6000g custom for a home......The shoip is in back of the store and they will give you a tour, their office has a display tank that about 30ft long by 18" tall built into a wall....very cool......Check out the aquarium at Mandaley Bay resort ( they were the only aquarium in the US to have a hammer head on display and thriving, but it died last year from a viral infection...bummer..)