names under other names. what do they mean?

when i read peoples posts, what do the names under the usernames like "french angel", "percula", and "mandarin" mean? do people just put those there or are those refering to some kind of status such as making a certain number of posts?


Active Member
certain number of posts, doesn't actually mean certain "knowledge". I have such a high number mainly from asking questions, seeking advise and not much because I know a lot.....if it says shark though they are moderators. HTH:)
Moderators, yes. Experts, no. Yeah, they have been in it for a while, but, they are there to make sure that the board runs smoothly and with some sort of civility. There are some on this board that have many more years experience than the "sharks".
I do not take their word as bible for saltwater fishkeeping, reefkeeping, or any other, although they offer good advice. I think that the moderators/sharks would agree.
Look at some of the past posts, sometimes they are wrong, just like the rest of us. They are no better than the rest of us, and I refuse to believe that they are .


Active Member
:D keepin Steamboat happy with the edit feature.....he's right there are some here that are very knowledgeable in certain areas and are not sharks....people like Anthem, Bang Guy and FMarini........and more....oh yeah and Steamboat;)
Flattery will get you everywhere. LOL;)
I am far from being an expert in any respect. I am just now getting a bit more serious with the hobby. Starting to fragment corals and such. I just recently joined the Oklahoma Marine Aquarium Society. I went to my first function with them yesterday and met a guy that has been reefkeeping since 1968. He has a great 250 gallon reef and is beautiful. He said to me "If you think you know what you are doing in this hobby, the next coral or fish you buy may confound everything you "think" you know." He considers himself a hobbyist just like the rest of us and holds no stock in himself as being an expert.
We went on a tour of the Oklahoma Aquarium Holding tanks, and even the director of this massive project gets flabbergasted that things don't work the way he "thinks" they should.

richard rendos

Active Member
The first day the board switched to it's new format, you could change that to anything you want... I changed mine, and I hope they never change it. Mine shows no signs of expertise or knowledge.


Active Member
What do you mean we are not experts, of course we are. :eek:
Speaking for myself I am no expert on SW aguariums by any means. I base my replies on mostly experience as many of us here do.
Is anyone a true expert in the SW aquarium hobby? I guess it depends on someones definition of the word expert on how that question would be answered. My answer to the question is no.
Are there some people in the hobby that are experts in certain fields? My answer to that question is yes.
There are some people in this hobby that I would consider very knowledgeable. But I have yet to hear of anyone that knows everything about this hobby. I can name a few that think they do however. :D
steamboat1569 is correct in a sense. Are we better or do we think we are better then anyone here? NO
, at least I dont. :D I dont think that was ever implied anywhere however.
Are we wrong sometimes? Maybe. Is steamboat1569 wrong sometimes? Maybe also. As I said before many of the people here give advice based on experience. I would say a large percentage of the time the advice is correct.
One thing to keep in mind here also is that what works for some may not work for others. So what my be correct for some may be wrong for others. There is no solid concrete way to setup a successful SW aquarium.
If you have been on this board for awhile you will see that there are certain people here that give solid advice in certain areas. For example if a disease question was asked there are a few people who give advice I would feel that I could follow.
This is a great board with great people that give great advice. With some common logic anyone can take the advice given and apply it to thier situation and at that point determine if the advice is right or wrong for them.


Active Member
Getting real familiar with that edit feature....thinking about getting a job as an editor:cool: Richard I hope they never change yours, I love it! I tried to change mine to "grocery store shrimp" but it wouldn't let me.:(


Active Member
Well, this is the first I've heard about us not being Experts... Man, all this time I thought i was doing something right:D
Maybe one day........................:(
I think I was appointed moderator due to the fact that I have no life except for fish...
Don't you just hate when that blasted steamboat stirs things up? LOL:rolleyes:
Seriously, I did not mean to stir things up this much. I have been learning from people with one post to their credit, up to people like Mr. Salty. I think we all learn from each other. It is nice to have a multitude of people that have skills in such varied areas.
Like Sammy has said, what is the new trend today that is in all those "experts" books, may be really bad for the aquarium according to the "experts" next year.
I remember when a DSB was an unheard of, do not speak blasphamy against crushed coral, NO NO.


ok you egomaniacs:D How do I add that signature line where I can tell everyone my tank set up at the end of my post?
Go to user cp, go to edit profile, scroll down to signature - on the right side is a box that you can type it all into. Then submit.


Active Member
me be wrong?, you'll never hear me say it.
seriously, i do not think i can add to that, sammy, you got me
"ALL WARM AND FUZZY" inside, that was beautiful man
and, yes we all make mistakes but one of the other beautiies of being here, is that when we are mistaken, someone else would be glad to help out and/or point things out.
Esp with us sharks, someone is always waiting for us to make an error.


Active Member
Expert at nothing ...
Lack years of experience in this hobby ...
Make mistakes everyday ...
Will make mistakes tomorrow and the next day ...
Opinonated ... extremely...
Stand corrected ... often ...
Like to help when I can ... yeah pretty much
When it comes to Saltwater fish care and maintenance....there is only ONE expert....Mother Nature, and she has her moments of stupidity as well.