Nano algae eater (fish)?


I'm trying to find an algae eater to go in my 29. I know the dwarf angels can but they'll also nip at my corals. BTW how common is it for them to nip?
I guess an omnivore is my best bet but I'm stuck in my search. Or am I stuck with snails?
Any help would be awesome.


Ya I was looking more for fish.
So far I've found blennies (like you said renogaw) and rainford's goby. But I heard they are hard to keep once the algae is gone.
Then I discovered that urchins are herbivores. I used to have a longspine urchin in my old 55; I guess it just never clicked that I didn't have to feed him lol

Longspines get too big for a 29 don't they? Or is it possible to keep one?


Active Member
heck, they can get too big for a 90 LOL
i have an urchin, i think the lfs called it a blue mouth, but it's like a spiney, but stays smaller spined.
chows algae, even the green impossible to remove type


Arent Urchins not safe for corals??? I remember I had one once but then I heard they can get on corals and start chomping away


Lawn mower blenny..I had one and it did AWESOME. I have a pic of my algae ridden tank in another topic and so for me to say it did awesome..yeah he rocked. lol


Active Member
Originally Posted by renogaw
lawn mower blenny, or any of the blennies really. they all scrape algae
YOu need to have a talk with my lawnmower.
This size of a tank, I'd look for an invert. Angels are pretty useless when it comes to eating algae.