Nano clean up crew?

queen angel

New Member
Hey guys...I was speaking with the lfs tonight about a clean up crew for my 6 gallon nano. I wanted to run it by the board to see if what I had in mind seems sufficient for my setup.
I have 26watts of cf, a 201, 3in dsb, 15lb live rock, neon blue damsel, yellow polyps, green spotted mushrooms, white star polyps, and a colt coral. I am wanting to add an emerald crab, a banded coral shrimp, 4 large mexican turbo grazers, and a green serpent starfish. I just have a couple of concerns, I have read that the banded can be somewhat territorial and the crab a little destructive. Will these additions work for my tank?


Active Member
Well some emaralds can be a destructive. I have heard plenty of horror storeies about the riuning a reff. But can say that I hear way more good than bad when it comes to them I have two in my tank and love them.
The banded coral shrimp can and is territorial. But given that you only have one fish it really should not be a problem.
You could probably have a few more snails as well. Maybe regular turbos given that you want three large mexicans. And I really can not blame you for not getting any hermits. I personally hate the little devils. I'v hummed a few over my fence in the past do to destuctive behavior.
Sounds like you have anice set up going and I wish you the best of luck. Keep us posted and try and get some pics posted soon!!

queen angel

New Member
Thanks Predator..
I was really waiting for some advice before returning to the lfs today...I will definitey try to keep everyone posted, I will try to get some pics out there soon.


interesting tank, I was thinking of strating up a nano in a 5 or 6 gallon tank I have. I would be interested to hear more details of what you have, I would be very watchful of the pollyp and the crabs, from personal experiance, i had two crabs that are now in my sumpbecause of yellow polyp eating.


THe only thing that I'd be cautious of is that the green serpent star can get quite large. I've seen one before with legs that were about 6 or 8 inches long.