Nano Cube 12 Day Cycle?


I have a 12G Nano Cube thats been cycling with coral sand seeded with LS and a lg. hermit crab.
SG 1.022, PH 8.0 steady throughout cycle
On the 8th day Ammonia peaked at 0.5, Nitrite 1.0, Nitrate 40.
Today is the 12th day- ammo and nitrite are 0, Nitrate 40.
I was expecting them to peak at higher readings or is there still a possibility for them to go up again?
Should I wait another week or do a water change to bring down nitrates?
Have I been blessed with a 12 day cycle?
Not too sure about that ... if you used Aragonite, it might have been possible because of the beneficial bacteria in the live sand ... I would say it is a possibility, but dont add anything expensive ... Id recommend no water change,m but if you do one, dont do more then 10 % , IMOP ... I would say add one or two damsels and wait a week or two thenr check the levels again ... No need to rush things .... I would do that just to make sure. If not ... then I would wait another week or two and test again...


Aaron: I didn't use Aragonite but I'm going to wait it out so I don't jinx myself. :rolleyes:
donmgicwon: I had 0 readings (for 3 days) then I put the LS and hermit crab in. The next day the ammonia showed up and nitrite the day after that. They seem to have peaked on the 8th day, as I mentioned, and now zeroed out. I just wasn't sure if this was the actual cycle or a weak one that's not really complete.



Originally posted by zephyrlily
Aaron: I didn't use Aragonite but I'm going to wait it out so I don't jinx myself. :rolleyes:
I just wasn't sure if this was the actual cycle or a weak one that's not really complete.

A very weak one.


Do the frozen shrimp idea to really cycle your tank. My 20 gal. took 6 weeks (I used a big ass pinch of flake food to start mine). If you go with what you already have don't put in anything expensive or delicate because it will probably die.


Ok, I put a shrimp in yesterday and ammonia today is back up to .5 and nitrite shot up to 3.0, nitrate still 40.
When do I take the shrimp out, I've read different answers:
2 days,
1 week,
when ammo reaches .5,
when it reaches between 4 and 6.
:confused: :notsure:
I should also add its already stinking up the water and the hermit is eating at it like a hobbit: breakfast, 2nd breakfast, elevensies...


I put the shrimp in a teabag filter out of the hermit's reach so he won't shred it anymore and leave a mess.
I still need to know when should I remove the shrimp? (read last post)
:help: Thanks :)


i just posted a question about the shrimp yesterday. someone had told me take it out once the ammonia hits .5 So that is what I am going by.
Well... Mine cycled in 13-14 days. I used 90lbs of Live Fiji Rock and 130 lbs of Southdown. It's been a week past that point and all looks good. Im not stocking anything but cleaning crew for now. I have taken the water up to the LFS twice to confirm my readings, and everything is as it should. I would say a quick cycle is possible, but not very common. I count mine as a blessing of the LR, but im also not going to test my luck and over stock to quickly. stick to inverts for awhile.


Did you get the LR locally or was it shipped. LR will usually speed up the cycle (denitrifying bacteria is all over and in it) if it doesn't have too much dead/dacaying life on it.