Nano cube or Biocube?


I am looking at the 12 gal nano or the 14 gal biocube for a peacock mantis shrimp only. Any advice on which will be better and if it is the nano cube should i get the deluxe lighting or will it not matter since there will be no corals just liverock? I am also reading of people taking the bioballs out and replacing with crushed/small pieces of liverock, is this a ggod idea to do from the start? Please give some input if you have any experience at all with these. Thanks :help:


Got the Bio cube, what a great tank. I will too be removing the bio balls, to either put in a nano skimmer, due only to the space issue, or small pieces of sump rosk in its place. the only thing that sucks with the whole tank in a box is that it a pain to add anything on due to the fact its almost a sealed unit with the top down. eg no hang on skimmer (if some has one rigged I would love to see how to do it) never seen the nanocube before? Also will you have LR in there??? I am in day 4 with my tank, I was always use to buying things separetly and puttting it all together, These tanks are much more cost effective.


Active Member
Originally Posted by teaggs
I am looking at the 12 gal nano or the 14 gal biocube for a peacock mantis shrimp only. Any advice on which will be better and if it is the nano cube should i get the deluxe lighting or will it not matter since there will be no corals just liverock? I am also reading of people taking the bioballs out and replacing with crushed/small pieces of liverock, is this a ggod idea to do from the start? Please give some input if you have any experience at all with these. Thanks :help:
You can still keep corals with a mantis, they just have to be firmly placed or glued down so that they can not move the corals. However, they will often kill fish, snails, and hermits.
Either cube will do the job.


you cant get either tank, if you get a tank for a mantis shrimp you have to get an acrylic tank, the mantis has so much force they have been documented to break glass tanks...


Originally Posted by saltyVT
Isn't the 14 bio a acrylic tank????
I don not think so since it is Oceanic and their tanks are all glass. I do not think that the shrimp will be a problem breaking the glass on the 14 gallon since it is pretty thick. I am going to put about 12lbs live sand and about 15 lbs live rock in the tank and a gold or peacock mantis and that is it. I already have a 125 with my aggresive and a 75 with my peaceful fish and now i want this mean ass shrimp all by himself :scared:


Originally Posted by sig45
you cant get either tank, if you get a tank for a mantis shrimp you have to get an acrylic tank, the mantis has so much force they have been documented to break glass tanks...
i have a 29 gal bio cube and its acrillic


i think you're going to get a bunch of bias opinions if you ask that type of question. personal preference really. do research and get what you can afford and are happy with. btw...get the nano cube
(oh man, i kill myself..lil bias humor)
ps. get the deluxe, later on down the road u might want to do more. its nice to have JUST IN CASE


Originally Posted by italianwjt
i think you're going to get a bunch of bias opinions if you ask that type of question. personal preference really. do research and get what you can afford and are happy with. btw...get the nano cube
(oh man, i kill myself..lil bias humor)
ps. get the deluxe, later on down the road u might want to do more. its nice to have JUST IN CASE
I like the biocube better but that is just aprefence and the 14 gallon biocube is glass(at least the ones that i have seen are). I am getting it soon and hopefully the peacock mantis doesnt sell that the store has cause he is about 5 in or so and he is a beast


Originally Posted by teaggs
I like the biocube better but that is just aprefence and the 14 gallon biocube is glass(at least the ones that i have seen are). I am getting it soon and hopefully the peacock mantis doesnt sell that the store has cause he is about 5 in or so and he is a beast
Any more input on this would be appreciated please