Nano cube or Oceanic?


Hi all,

Currently, I have an Eclipse System Six. I am wanting some corals and have learned that the stock lighting is just not enough to support what I want.
I e-mailed my LFS and they recommended either a Nano cube or Oceanic, which they have in stock and said that both systems have reef lighting and built in wet-dry filtration, instead of me upgrading my lighting in my current aquarium.
I want to upgrade to a 12 gallon but was wondering which would be better.... Nano cube 12 gallon or Oceanic 14 gallon?
And also... with either systems, what kind of corals can I get with the lighting that is already in it?
Thanks sooo much, in advance for your help and advice!


I was in your boat a couple of weeks back, and I found that both are really nice. I chose the Oceanic because it's a brand I know and for the same price I get two more gallons over the aqua pod.


Oceanic BioCube 14 it is, then!

Thank you ALL so much for your answers!
Any coral suggestions with the lighting that comes with it?


With the stock lighting....Mushrooms, zoos, xenia, hammers. I would ask Lauren, she has an amazing tank under PC lighting.