Nano Cubes!


:jumping: Just a note on these lil beauties!
I needed a QT, and thought one of these NC's would serve my purpose. When it arrived (Eclipse 6-gal. corner, bow front model) I was concerned weather the filtration and oxygenation was going to be sufficient. I placed some CC and large shell from my main tank as well as some oystyer shells in for ombiance, and to speed up cycling process. The tank was cloudy for 2days , but now that everything has settled down its beautifully clear. I put in a hermit, and he seems to be enjoying himself immensly. The tank hasn't completed cycling, but at this point I would have to say that these little jeweles(Eclipse tanks) are really all they claim to be!
I'll post future updates on it's progress. Does anyone else have one of these tanks? What is your opinoin on yours?