Nano Emergency!


well, a buddy of mine has had a Nano cube 12 g for about 6 weeks now. his ph, ammonia, trates, and tries were all at where they should have been. yesterday he added a few snails, a clown goby, and some sort of plant that i cant ID. today everything was dead, anybody have any ideas? heres a pic of his tank(he does not have a name on the board yet):
...was it the plant? i feel really bad and want to know what happened to this guy! thanks


wouldnt know the SG...the temp is 79-80 i believe and he took EXTRA care in putting him into the tank. we just cant figure out what happened.


not a coral, it was from a store called all about fish in the bay area. im almost positive everything that was in the stores tank was in my tank minus the goby they had 2 percs in it.


Active Member
What did he have in the tank before adding those?
What were his water parameters before adding them?
What were the water parameters when he noticed them dead?


Note: Some plants such as the grape plant let out a poisons into the water when a part of it dies, this affects everything in the tank starting from corals to fish.
look it up and research it.