Nano Equipment Opinions Please


I set up a 20 Long Reef about 2 months ago and everthing is going awesome except for my flatworm problem. I am looking to get a couple more pieces of equip but dont know what brands to go with.
Please Suggest brands for these Items-
Skimmer- under 130$
Timing System- I run Current 130watt Satelites and 2 Rio 400 Powerheads
Test Kit- One that tests everything. and that is reliable
BTW if anyone has a solution to flatworms, please feel free to educate me.
Thanks Have a Nice Day


Test kits - Go with Salifert tests.
Skimmer - AquaC Remora
Timing system - I use one by (I think) Coralife? It runs my actinics and MH, 2 powerheads, protein skimmer. Best $30 ever!
Check the big auction site for all of these items. I got a brand new AquaC Remora for $118 shipped!