Nano Evaporation


I have a 12g Dx JBJ with a surface skimmer. I know evaporation is a big issue with these tanks, but it seems if I leave the skimmer off, it isn't as bad, but scummy. Why do the levels fluctuate so much with the skimmer? Does anyone have any ideas on how to remain more consistent with the levels? BTW, first chamber has a sponge and chemipure, second, LR rubble and heater, and the third, the pump. Thanks!


The evaporation isn't any worse with the surface skimmer it just seems like it. The reason this is is because all of the evap. happens in the rear chambers which is a smaller area, thus it appears to evaporate faster. I lose about 1.5 gallons a day in the winter out of my 24! The best way to maintain a consistant level is to use a ATO (automatic top off).


ATO... stands for automatic top off. It uses a holding tank of freshwater and a pump that is hooked up to a float switch in your tank. When the water drops below a predetermined level the pump kicks in and fills your tank. I don't know how to make one, although I have seen some threads, but you can find the JBJ model at nanocustoms.


Active Member
ATO are pretty simple to make. Best way is to use two float switches and a relay. A relay may or may not be necessary as it depends on the current draw of the pump used, but its the best way and only costs about $5 more to wire in. Basically a simple ATO is a float switch installed in the tank or fuge and is adjusted so its off or open when the water level is at maximum, and when water level drops it closes and turns on pump /relay which in turn adds water by way of tubeing to the tank / fuge. When sufficient water is added to the maximum level float switch is adjusted for it opens up again and shuts off pump/relay. You can use a typical centrifugal pump to pump water directly from top off water resivoir or use an aquarium type air pump to pressurize a container and push the water out by way of air pressure to the fuge or display tank itself.......Some ATO utilize two float switches as a backup or saftey feature to prevent overfilling if a switch fails etc.........