nano fish-this ok


I was at my lfs the other day and they had a poster with nano fish, I know my tank is on the small side 5.5 gallons so is there a site as to where I can find out what fish are ok in this tank since I don't want to waste your guys time with a post like asking what fish can I have?
hey man, i can tell you what fish you can have...its not wasteing my time at all.
i think that your best bet would be maybe 1 firefish
or maybe a false percula clownfish
or maybe a panda goby
i think that if you can find a fish that will maxe out at 3 inches you will be fine... remember every inch a fish is ,it should be supplied at least 2 gallons


Active Member
Clown Gobies are teh best for this setup, or a small shrimp goby (barbershop) tiny clown would be ok while it is little, but I would put it in something bigger in time. I personally wouldn't try a firefish in a 5.5, i keep seeing it said, but mine swims around my tank alot (29g) and I can't see it in a 5.5g..... but really, clown goby would be the best thing for that tank in all aspects.