Nano Flow Help


Hey guys,
I wanted to get some advice and/or tips as to how I can get good flow in my JBJ Cube 12 DX. I see some people have the nozzle as a T that blows air to two different directions--where do you guys get this? May I get a link?
Also, since I do want the flow to go in separate directions with the T fit, what kind of powerhead should I buy that will provide the best flow even with the dispersed direction? Any help would be great, thanks!
P.S. I still don't know if mine is first edition or second... -.- anybody know how to find out?


Yes but that would mean that I would have to drill a 2nd hole somewhere where I'd like the 2nd one to be--I can't do that because I don't have the equipment nor am I interested in buying equipment just to drill a hole in the sump.
Any other suggestions?


Active Member
Powerheads need to be drilled into place? Oh boy, I must've missed that memo.
There's a thread around here somewhere where someone made their own plastic attachable piece that allowed the powerheard to divert water in two directions at once. You can find the thread here:
I don't know if that helps at all, but it pertains to your question so I thought I'd mention it just in case. :)


Lol...sorry, I forgot to clarify...
I want to keep the front side very clean, I don't want anything protruding out of the back that can't easily blend. My question I suppose was how to put a powerhead in the rear sump.
I don't want to just stick a powerhead in the back and turn it on and have it look really ugly in my tank, I want the tank to look as clean as possible...putting everything I can in the sump and keeping things out of sight.
I guess if worst comes to worst I will have my neighbor drill it for me as he's handy like that and attach some pipes to a secondary pump in one of the compartments -.-...


Active Member
Ah, sorry I couldn't help. Sumps are something I didn't study up on as I don't plan on having one myself. :)