Nano Idea


Ok I just finished building a new 6.5 gal hex, and was thinking i would use it as a new nano since i just sold my last one (again) :cool: I LOVE starting ppl on this hobby correctly.... and so far no probs with the old tanks
my usuall set up is a 5-7 gal hex with 1.5" bed, and about 4 lbs of LR... A small anem, A small mushroom, a few crabs or shrimp, and two percs. I use a 5 gal bucket under the counter as a fuge/equipment center. with a halagon grow light from a local plant store. so far it seems to work pretty well.
so i was thinking since nobody answered my last post on the black fiji sand i would be the brave soul to try it. the rock turns out this real nice light blue (homemade) and once the coaline starts it's striking. to stock it i was thinking a few bluelegs, some purple shrooms outta my main tank, and for fish a yellow goby, and 1 maybe 2 firefish... the rock has plenty of places to hide, it also contians the pipework for the fuge making it look reall clean.
i'll try to get some pics up of my old set ups, let me know if you think this would work or would be too much fish thank you


It sounds like it will turn out great. I would only put 2 fish in there and not 3. I can't wait for the pics and good luck!


I would love to see how u built it and what you used to do it with? I tried to build a small plexi glass tank and it turned out to be too hard to cut. In terms of your fiji black sand, I have tahition (spelling?) black sand that is HORRIBLE!!!! It wont stay clean, I have tried almost every type of cleaner critter but the sand bed stays a brownish color.