i have about 35-40 lbs of rock which is pretty old, some newer, about 20 lbs came from a friend which had it for around 3 years, none of my other fish are pod eaters, i have a yellow tail damsel, 1 occelaris clown, 1 pyjama cardnal, 1 shrimpgoby, 2 emerald crabs, 40-ish hermits and 40-50-ish nassarious snails and a few turbos. i have about 20 lbs of live sand too.
i dont know if the equipment really matters right now but i have an aqua c remora, 30 gallon HOB filter w/ activated carbon, and my lights are a coralife lunar aqualight.
no fuge/sump.
probably still not going to try it tho, but thanks for the tips/advice!