Nano meltdown!


So for the past week or so i have been having trouble with some of my corals. The first thing i noticed was my little toadstool frag had melted away to a very unhealthy stump. Now i have had that little guy for months and he did great. Then my ric that i had from the very beginning started to shrink and shrink then bleach then vanish. Now the final straw is my clam! Was doing great! Beautiful bright blue in color, placed on a flat rock, every thing was great this morning and when i went to turn out the lights it was just a shell!!!
I dont have any fish in the tank, stock list is a hand full of hermits four snail (astria and nassarius) and two emerald crabs. Its a ten gallon nano and water test showed no amonia yesterday (although im sure they re there now), no nitrite and nly slight trates! Only ever used RO water and did water changes of 1g every 3 days. What could be happening?


Active Member
Really need ALL you parameters to offer any insight on the possible culprit. BTW...sorry for the losses.