nano - mini


New Member
does nano and mini mean same thing i have always called them mini reefs. to start one what is the best filteration heater and every thing for a 10-20 gallon how many punds of lf should you use. diff chemicals anything else i should know? o yeah how many watts of lighting


ok....bare with me its saturday noght :D
so ill try.
here it goes,
nano and micro: if you tool physics you would know the diff, but according to aquarium specs i guess theres no diff, one is smaller them the other, its all amater of how you look at it, compares to the surface area of all the reefs in the world any tank that people cn build would be nano, but some peoples nano's are bigger than others....
how many LBS of LFS should you use...LOL i belive you mean LR
LF=locl fish store
lr =liVE R ock :D
sorry i am being an @$$ :D
so heres the deal, the BEST way to get info is to READ as mch as you can. look up any topic on this web page as you can, or buy a book, or 5. then you will become familiar with what you need to
watts of lighting depends on what you will want to keep in your tank. different corals need diff intensitys.
maybe this is not the best advise but i hope it sends you in a good direction


hey, sorry about that,
i belive the awnser is really just that one is smaller than the other.
in general you will want 1 lb of LR to 1 and a 1/2 per galon for your tank.
you should decide on what you will want to keep in the long term and built your tank around what is most important to you.
most people here say that small tanks are not recomended for beginers.
I have a 20g and i am a beginer, this is because it is all i can a college student.
i have one fish and 26# LR
5 hermits
5 snails
1 sally
1 emerald
also 20 # LS
i dont have any corals just yet but when i can afford lights then ill start adding corals.
asking questions on here is how i learned alot. also you can search this site for prevously asked questons.
once again sorry for the other post.


Active Member
To amplify Oozy.
Small tanks are unstable and usually crash, destroying precious livestock in the hands of novice reef keepers.
There are many ways to cut down on the expense of this hobby and research is the best tool.
Good luck
I had a successful mini-reef for about a year and a half. Broke it down because I was moving. Anyway, here's what worked for me. First got my saltwater in the tank and let it go for two days with the filter runnin'. I used a small visi-therm heater and a aquaclear 150 with a sponge filter pad and a couple bio-balls. Let that run for two days. Went to my LFS and got 15 lbs of live sand and 15 lbs of live rock. Let that go for about a week and a half. No cycle occurred because I used some water from my main tank and put a filter sponge in the bottom of my mini. With cured LR and established live sand no cycle occurred. To make sure I wated another two weeks before putting anything else in there except for 4 hermits. Still nothing. I bought a small power copact....JBJ I think. It pumped out I think the total was 26 watts. With a mini, you can't do too many difficult corals, stick with star polyps, leathers and 'shrooms. The best advice to tell you though, is watch the water evaporation. It evaporates quickly and with only a small amount of water in there in the first place the salinity will sky rocket. My tank was really successful, but I might have been one of those lucky ones. Let me know if you need any more advice.
ps- email me personally off line

30 hex

i dont think anything is too hard for a novice, but things are impossible for the un-prepared. i take on challenging situations all the time but not before i do my homework. teaching yourself before starting is half the battle, diligence after you begin is the other could have all the know-how in the world but it wont do any good if you are lazy.ok im done preaching. :eek: