Nano-Nano...biocube setup questions

Hello all!
As I posted in the New Hobbyist section, I was given a 29g Biocube as a late Christmas present. Long story short, leaked, returned, picked up new tank.
I have some questions about the tank and it's setup. Right now it's running with Caribsea Ocean Direct live sand and water at 1.025 sg. It's super cloudy right now so I haven't tested anything else until it starts to clear up and I can pick up some live rock this weekend.
I had a lot of trouble getting the pump "primed" and running. It sounded like an air bubble was stuck in it and hardly any water was coming out of it. Is there an easier way to kick start it running if this happens again? I had to empty out the back chambers until the pump sucked a wee bit of air, then put water back into for it to move. Pain in the patootie!!
Is it normal for the stock charcoal filter, bioballs and sponge to reduce the flow enough that the pump constantly sucked air? The water level which is indicated on the side between the min & max is barely at the minimum marker and that's after I took the sponge out and lifted the charcoal filter out a bit. I am having difficulty getting it to stay about the minimum marker and the overall water level in the tank is pretty high right now. I will probably have to take water out once I add rock.
Has anyone had the hose pop off unexpectedly? I have a slight fear of this, after it came of while I was fooling around and had it running. That's one powerful little pump!
I will be getting rid of the charcoal filter for purigen and chemi-pure bags instead. In searching the forum I see that there are dozens of ways to modify the back chambers. I am going to try putting some live rock rubble in the back in place of the bioballs, some filter floss on top and the purigen/chemi-pure in the first chamber. This plan may change as I read more about what others have done.
Looking forward to building up this tank!

small triggers

Active Member
sounds like you have a good start, and yes if the water level is below the minimum it will mess with the pump.....and frankly i wouldnt even put the ceramic media in there, just when you pick up your live rock see if they will sell you the rubble cheapppppppp.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Moby da Goby
Hello all!
As I posted in the New Hobbyist section, I was given a 29g Biocube as a late Christmas present. Long story short, leaked, returned, picked up new tank.
I have some questions about the tank and it's setup. Right now it's running with Caribsea Ocean Direct live sand and water at 1.025 sg. It's super cloudy right now so I haven't tested anything else until it starts to clear up and I can pick up some live rock this weekend.
I had a lot of trouble getting the pump "primed" and running. It sounded like an air bubble was stuck in it and hardly any water was coming out of it. Is there an easier way to kick start it running if this happens again? ditch th bioballs, don't put any live rock rubble in the back chambers as they will collect detritus and the back chambers are hard enough to clean. With everything out of the back center chamber fill the tank up to the top of the site glass. I had to empty out the back chambers until the pump sucked a wee bit of air, then put water back into for it to move. Pain in the patootie!!
Is it normal for the stock charcoal filter, bioballs and sponge to reduce the flow enough that the pump constantly sucked air? Yes this is a flaw in the design IMO. The wall between chamber #1 and chamber #2 needs to be cut across all the way. Right now only about 1/2 or so of the width of the wall is low, take a sharp razor knife and continue that level all they way across. Take the standard filter cartridge and remove the white material and the carbon inside each of the chambers. Get some Polyester Fiber Fil (pillow stuffing) from the craft or fabric store and put some in each of the four little chambers of the frame that is left. The water level which is indicated on the side between the min & max is barely at the minimum marker and that's after I took the sponge out and lifted the charcoal filter out a bit. I am having difficulty getting it to stay about the minimum marker and the overall water level in the tank is pretty high right now. I will probably have to take water out once I add rock.
Has anyone had the hose pop off unexpectedly? I have a slight fear of this, after it came of while I was fooling around and had it running. That's one powerful little pump!Have not had this problem in the 2 years mine has been up. Me thinks you may have knocked it loose messing with the pump. If it worries you get a zip tie and secure the hose.
I will be getting rid of the charcoal filter for purigen and chemi-pure bags instead. In searching the forum I see that there are dozens of ways to modify the back chambers. I am going to try putting some live rock rubble in the back in place of the bioballs, some filter floss on top and the purigen/chemi-pure in the first chamber. This plan may change as I read more about what others have done.
Looking forward to building up this tank!
On the return pump I and others have replaced the stock pump with a Rio 6hf. The Rio gives you more gallons per hour at 350 with less heat generated. The stock pump is 243 gallons per hour.
Thank you Spanko, for the hints. I cut out the other half of the plastic last night and it definitely helps. Unfortunately I have to live with the stock filter cartridge until this weekend when I can get to the only decent LFS in the city. I did buy some dead base rock but not quite sure if I'm going to use it yet until I see what the LFS has to offer for LR. Being winter and quite cold, I think their selection might be pretty slim, at least it was last week.
Instead leaving the entire bioball portion completely empty, I am going to utilitize it somewhat. I had great success using chemipure and purigen in the past so I think I will through the bags into that area with some more filter floss to see what happens flow wise. Other than adding some small powerheads I will see what the pump is going to do for me right now.
SG 1.025
Ammonia 0.2
nitrate test still trying to find a decent kit


Originally Posted by spanko
On the return pump I and others have replaced the stock pump with a Rio 6hf. The Rio gives you more gallons per hour at 350 with less heat generated. The stock pump is 243 gallons per hour.
+1 ... Hey spanko, stealing my idea about how to respond to people? LOL


As long as the base rock was clean and no coraline on it. If it was uncured live rock it will simply rot and toss off alot of ammonia and proteins resetting your cycle period for weeks.
A brief update and pics to come this weekend.
Changed to date (start date is 04 Jan 10):
Chamber #1 - I cut off everything from the stock filter and just stuffed polyfil in the 4 spots. I also cut off the other half of the plastic between chambers.
Chamber #2 - Removed bioballs and threw in a bag of Chemi-pure and Purigen. Custom cut a couple filter pads on top of that to help clean up the big pieces of crud from moving stuff around. Filled up to almost under the top drip tray
Chamber #3 - still stock pump for now.
Ammonia is <20 ppms
SG @ 1.026
No nitrate test yet, apparently everyone and their dog got a SW tank for Christmas. I visted 3 stores and none had a nitrate test that wasn't a 5 in 1 test strip! One more store to visit before I order online.
I added 7.5 pounds of LR from the store and will be adding more this weekend. Will do some aquascaping and then wait for a while for everything to settle down again!
I added a Hydor Theo submersible heater inside the main tank but will be moving into the back in the first chamber. I liked this heater because of it's smaller size especially since I didn't remove the tray in that chamber when the tank was empty.
I will be adding another powerhead for the other side of the tank (near intake). I like the positive comments on the Hydor Korilia brand so will probably go with the Nano size.
Keep reminding myself "PATIENCE."