Nano Newbie setup done!


I just thought I would post pictures of my new nano and see if I could get any input from you guys. Right now it has a penguin 125, a Rio 180, an Ebo 50 watt, and a Custom Sealife 65watt with a 50/50 bulb. I don’t have much live rock in it now but I am getting 45lbs in tomorrow to split between the nano and my 120. Any suggestions on newbie corals, I like some of the neon looking brain corals but I am really clueless about corals.


Active Member
reefer dude - I will get some pictures of them tomorrow - I would also suggest checking out the reef section. I will go bump a COTW - Coral of the Week on Zooanthids ....I think there was one ....


Active Member
reeferdude - check out he zooanthids picture post by j21kickster - they are some of hte best pictures around. check out hte fragging blue shrroms post to see some pictures of blue shrooms and I'll post some xenia pictures.....


Reeferdude, you can look a few post down at my tank (29 gallon). It's just got hardy newbie corals in it. In addition the clown fish are good to have in a small tank.