Nano pics for FRIDAY~~


i got 130pc over my 20gl tank.....Will upgrade to MH soon.....
I am waiting for my skimmer, as you can see =)
Thank you guys


those blue palms are awsome. and so is the rest of the tank. i have heard the blue palms are hard to take care of, is that true. now that i've seen some i really want one.


The palm and afro was a gift from a friend of mine, I told him that maybe my lights wouldbe enough for them right now, but he told me to keep it until he can get a place for it.....So i told him that I would, since I will be getting MH week before christmas I believe....
Soon soon MH will be mine...... :joy:


I am not sure if you have to spot feed them, I asked my friend and he said that he never did spot feed it.....I told him why he gives me this hard corals to take care of, he said that he will take it back when he has more time on him....He wanted to give me a bunch of corals that I never seen, beautifull ones, but I didn't take it because I don't have too much experience......
MY MH will come soon and I will post pics again with MH


Active Member
make sure you aclimate your corals to metal halides. I started off having the actualy halide on for about 4 horus a day and increased an hour each week.