So I am planning on setting up a nano for reef usage. I've been running a stable 25 for a while and would like to try my hand a nano for my office. I was looking at a a 12 gal jbj nano cube, I've got the fission on order and I was planning on using a maxijet 900 to replace the stock pump, and a hydor flo. I was wondering what would be good coral for this setup. I've never had a reef set-up yet(my other is a fowlr). I like the leathers and frogspawn/hammer corals. What would be a good book for learning more about each corals needs as well.
What other inverts/small fish would work well?
What do people have in their 12s?
What can be done with 12 hoods for lighting upgrades?
What other inverts/small fish would work well?
What do people have in their 12s?
What can be done with 12 hoods for lighting upgrades?