nano size



I think if your going to buy a Nano you might as well get something that can fit on your desk or bedside table.....
I was thinking about getting a 20 Long but if I was going to get a larger tank I thought I might as well get something even bigger.


IMO. real nano tanking is no more than 20 gallons. then theres the 21-29 gal that can also be takin int consideration. once you hit 30 its not really nanoing to me:D . just bustin peoples chops:p



Originally posted by YAE4Volcom
I think if your going to buy a Nano you might as well get something that can fit on your desk or bedside table.....

it fits perfectly on my dresser in my my room, no prob there.


Active Member
Nano is described as 29 gallons and under with up to 20 being a true nano.
I have an 18 gallon ViaAqua mini reef, which there was no option for it on the poll except for "other" and I didn't feel my poor tank deserved such a description, lol. so I put 20 gallon since that's what I thought I was getting when I bought it. I also have a 10 gallon nano FOWLR.



Originally posted by Fishman830
nano i think is 10 and under

no i herd it was 20 and under. and my mistake, i put sue me.


Active Member

Originally posted by Matti070
no i herd it was 20 and under. and my mistake, i put sue me.

its nto what i heard, its what i think, purely what i think


i think as this hobby and technology evolve more and more nanos get smaller... i think 5-10 years ago ppl said it couldnt be done under 50 gallons


Active Member
Ichtheologists, marine hobbyists, pretty much anyone that felt they had the appropriate expertise to make that statement. You have to remember that this hobby didn't come about until the early to mid seventy's. Back then people felt they were lucky to have figured out how to keep marine life. In the 80's and 90's they felt that keeping a 55 gal, was a big challenge compared to now. Now we have better equipment, more knowledge, and aquacultured critters that have adapted well to captivity.



Originally posted by cprdnick
Nano is described as 29 gallons and under with up to 20 being a true nano.

just out of curiosity, who set these rules up? I have a 29. sometimes i call it a nano, sometimes i just call it a reef, depends on who i'm talking to and how big their tank is.


I have 2..... 12 gal JBJ Nano (home) and 7 gal Minibow (work)
I love em both!!!


I have a ten with some HOB stuff that brings the volume to around 12 gallons. I think you need to take total system volume into account.