Nano stocking



hi guys,
i'm not new to reefing but i am new to nano reefing. i will be transferring live sand from my current 100g tank to my 12 rock too. my 12 gallon doesn't have a sump but it's a cube so i'll be using the back for some chaeto sponges etc. also will be using water from my 100 gallon which i am trying to make fishless because i am just wanting it to be an all-acan tank...and also because i'd prefer the fishes in my office where i can actually watch them while i work.
i've also been having difficulty keeping the fish in the 100, i don't feed much because all my acans are target-fed with cyclos which my fish don't usually when i'm feeding the goby doesn't get much food because he just does not come out in time.
my only fishes are a false perc, orange striped goby and 2 blennies...technically my tank has been established for 2 years since i will be transferring over every possible substrate from my established you think this is still too much of a bioload for a 12? the blennies don't move at all, and the goby...always in his rocks...only the clown makes use of any space.


Active Member
I wouldn't recommend having four fish in a 12g. It would be quite a task keeping all the levels safe. Also, taking into consideration the happiness of the fish, I think they'd be a bit too crowded. This can stress them out, leading to a shorter lifespan. I'd go ahead and put the clown and goby into the 12g. Almost all blennies are best kept in tanks 30 gallons or larger. :)


i forgot to add that they were barnacle blennies...not the large ones.
worst comes to worst...i will take the orange goby to the fish store for store credit...i do have problems though, he is elusive. on top of that, one of the barnacles is hidden in one of the if it came down to my taking out all of the rocks to get the goby out, the chances of the blenny suffocating are high.
i wasn't planning on putting all the fish in yet..but the wife didn't understand when i told her to leave the fish now they're all in the 12 gallon...


Active Member
Well, hmm. I myself would not feel comfortable keeping four fish in a 12g long-term. At the very most, I would go with three since Barnacle Blennies remain stationary a lot of the time and are quite small. However, this is just my opinion on the matter. :)


I would love to be able to get that goby...any ideas on how i could catch him?


take the rocks out. tahts the only way i know of catching fish the "easy way". or you a lure him out somehow :D


I guess I will feed tomorrow and see where that other blenny has gone to...then take all the rocks out and get the goby and take him back.
1 false perc and 2 barnacle blennies acceptable? i appreciate your help, i don't want to harm these fishes in any way and want to provide a good home for them...but given the circumstance and choice, i think the orange goby is the least interesting/amusing and the least visible of them all.


Active Member

Originally posted by littlereef
I guess I will feed tomorrow and see where that other blenny has gone to...then take all the rocks out and get the goby and take him back.
1 false perc and 2 barnacle blennies acceptable? i appreciate your help, i don't want to harm these fishes in any way and want to provide a good home for them...but given the circumstance and choice, i think the orange goby is the least interesting/amusing and the least visible of them all.

Go ahead and stick the clown and blennies in the 12g, but watch them closely for a few days. False perculas have a "territory" four times larger than that of a true percula, which may affect your blennies in some way. Just keep an eye on them, but I think they should all be fine. :)


luckily my clownfish is a little stupid and is more scared of the blennies than they are of him. the clownfish also tends to attack me at any given point my hand is in the tank and it seriously can hurt pinches like you wouldn't believe from a rather small fish.
i appreciate your advice and help, and tomorrow i will try excavating the exiled goby.
also, i placed the barnacles' home on the side of the tank where the clownfish doesn't wander, he hasn't seen them yet so i'm hoping he leaves that guy alone.
truth be told, the goyb was more territorial than the clown, the clown doesn't attack anything but if it comes near the goby the goby does try to strike him.


Active Member
Lol, well that works out nicely then. It would seem as though your clown and goby have swapped personalities. Best of luck to you and your nano! :D