nano tank cleanup crew


my 12gal nano tank has been up n running for 2 weeks now, im trying to get the cleanup crew together while throw in couple mushrooms that onsale at my LFS. just want to make sure im not over-stock on my cleanup crew, my 12gal tank have 20 lb of LR and 3inch of LS, here is the members of my crew:
8x scarlet hermits
2x zebra hermits
2x blue leg hermits (both blue leg and zebra are gifts)
5x mexican turbos
7-8 nassarius snails (hermit crab took 1 out for new home
1 anemone crab
1 cleaning shrimp
think im kind overkill with cleaning crew? if so do i need to buy special food for them?
thanks in advance


people on this site buy a lot of cleanup IMO... i got a 24 gal and my cleanup crew (well, ill list all inverts for the heck of it since all help clean)
Alge control:
Mexican Turbo Snail X 2
Hermit crab (zebra X1. bluelegX2, scarletX1, Unidentified pearl-pink hermits X4) (also help with detritus, pink ones sift sand sometimes (dig holes and stuff))
Longspine urchin (sure he nibbles on the corraline but he mows thru hair algae)
Detritus + excess food control
Blue Coral Banded ShrimpX1
Skunk Cleaner ShrimpX1
Sand sifter
Nassarius snail X2
My tank is fairly ok ... IMO i sohould get another pair of nassarius snails and im considering an algae blenny