Nano Tank of the Month


Active Member
Nano of the Month
All credit goes to runn3rb3an his idea.
this contest winner will not be awarded anything. just for fun. if you lose dont think you have a ugly tank or anything. Everyone Nano tank is amazing!!!!

Each contestant will post a FTS of there nano below. i will put every nano person here so they can be voted for. If your name is not include on the ballot then post a fts and people can cast their vote by posting the person name they wish to vote for (if their name isn't there)
lets have some FUN!!!!


Active Member
lol no no! dont include me yet! I want to get my tank perfect first. Gonna work on getting my new tank. still awaiting quotes


Originally Posted by runn3rb3an
Sorry btldreef thought you were in there. Any corals that your on the lookout for btw??
Not at the moment, just spent $200+ in Manhattan on corals this weekend. I'm always buying stuff though, LOL


Active Member
No I work at a lfs so if she was looking for anything I could of let her know if it was worth coming oyut to the store or not LOL. Which it's not at this point. We just got completley cleaned out during the weekend.


Originally Posted by runn3rb3an
No I work at a lfs so if she was looking for anything I could of let her know if it was worth coming oyut to the store or not LOL. Which it's not at this point. We just got completley cleaned out during the weekend.
LOL .. I was in there Friday night, bout 20 snails, 20 hermits, and SPS and an urchin.

So funny, Jeff won't touch an urchin, he thinks they're poisoness.