Still playing around with the new camera, decided to get the remote controll and start using a tripod, turning off powerheads, cleaning glass inside and out. All these add up to much better pics. This is my QT tank for new zoa's
It was kinda neglected and you couldn't even see thru the glass due to algae, several months since I'd cleaned it, snail tracks, growth of various stuff. Took me about 3 hours to make it presentable & do a 100% water change.. swapped water with DT.
This is a series of shots of the same corals but without flash. Starting to get a sense of how to use the camera, depth of field is tricky and still trying to figure it out. Also playing with white balance. Lots to learn.
I gota get the remote control, even using a tripod you still get some shake or vibration. still don't have my macro lens, think I may get the 18-135 VR lens instead and then get the 100+ macro...