Nano uv sterilizer?


Active Member
I was looking online and found these cool little uv syeralizers for nano tanks. One actually hooks right up to your biocube and or other small tank and the other is a powerhead that comes with a uv light. Has anybody ever heard of these or used them?
Would it me detrimental or benigicial to a nano reef?


We use a UV on my uncle's turtle pond (I built the pond with him last summer).
In theory I don't think it serves too much of a purpose with nanos. When there is a serious concern with bacteria, parasites, and/or algae infestation a UV can be the difference between thriving and unable to function. Small ponds - for example - with their finite amount of water and close contact with runoff, insects, animal droppings, direct sunrays, etc, rely very heavily on UVs, and depending on the climate, a UV is sometimes as necessitous as water movement.
But I dont believe they will catch on too much with our little salt tanks. Too many people are successful without them to warrant buying one (IMO).
Someone else who has bought/used one for a nano may have a different opinion, but I personally like to use as little "stuff" as possible.


I completely agree with New2Salt 100% that was a great response. No harm at all, but there's simpler ways as water changes typically do better and solve more than just one issue anyway. They do make fine mechanical cheats for algae issues though after all else doesn't work...they won't kill stranded algae, but they will help prevent reblooms after the benthic alga have been removed.
Some people fear the extremely small amount of live plankton our nanos produce will suffer due to one of these. since this isn't enough plankton to really nourish corals it really doesn't matter what you do with em...nice thread I see this get asked a lot good answer N2S.