Nano vs Bio


Ok as i sit here and watcing my 120 start to cycle i have a craving to start another tank. Because of cost and just setting up a 120 I,m thinking nano. Can anyboby tell me is one better then the other. What are your thoughts on the 2.
Thank You


Active Member
I've seen a lot of people recommend against the Nano Cube (if you're referring to the JBJ one) because they have problems with cracking. I personally got a cheap Eclipse 12 (which I recommend against, since it's acrylic and scratches easily) for my nano but only because my LFS gave me "lesser" advice and I hadn't found this site in time. Many people on these boards have recommended either the Aquapod or Biocube tanks and I wish I would have started with one of those. For the money, you could start out great with the Aquapod, dr foster smith sells them really cheap. Hope that helps some.


Ya it seems that the biocube is the way to go. Any advice or mods i need to know before getting started.