Nano Wars


I am planning to set up FO with an anemones like 6 months after clowns are added. and i want either a 24 gallon or a 29 gallon cube. i want to know which one i should choose. i want something that has the lighting for the anemones and good filtration and all around good quality system.
29 gallon Biocube
24 gallon Nanocube
24 gallon Aquapod


Active Member
I dont think any of those would come with anough lighting. And i think it could be a little small for an anemone. BUT i could be wrong, i dont have any first hand expirence, im just telling you from what ive heard.
But if you want my opinion i like the 29G retangle tanks. The ones you can just buy at walmart, i like them better. The cubes just seem kinda smaller to me.


yeah the nan section would be a better place if you want it moved just say so.
as far as the anemone with the standard lighting on them your not going have enough and for a smaller tank anemones when given the right conditions will get rather large!! my LTA would take up about a 1/3 of a 29 and its growing!!!! and carpets get even larger so I wont recomend an anemone in that size tank.. I personally dont like presetup kits you are limited on what you can do on changeing it up if you want. I prefer to have the ability to change things out if it doesnt work and you really cant do that with these tanks. I would also say get the larger of the 2 because you will end up wanting a larger tank and if gives you alittle more room for error.

rabid frog

Active Member
there are also after mearket lights you can get for all the common Nano's i.e aquapod,jbj, etc. They are made by current. My wife has one set up on her 12 gal nano and it is a nice little set up. They start as small as 70 watts and go to 250 ( I think).
Back to the subject of the anemone. I think that those tanks would be too small for a anemone. You may look into a frog spawn, hammer, or a toad stool. Those are often acceptable hosts for some clowns. They will also do well with the stock pc lighting or if you decide to up grade the Hqi metal halides.